
Who we are

Lutheran MillenialZ exists in a world that desperately needs more blogs. Just kidding, the world is inundated with blogs, vlogs, podcasts, and influencers. We live in a post-modern narcissistic world where every Jim, Jack and Joe believe that their voice is unique, that their voice needs to be heard, that their voice is going to the shape the future. In reality, most blogs, vlogs, podcasts and influencers never get beyond a few consumers. And that is okay.

We at Lutheran MillenialZ strive to not take ourselves too seriously. We simply see to be a collaborative space, where young clergy, church workers and laity can engage in thinking, writing and discussing the Christian Faith, the world we live in and whatever else might come up. We offer the upcoming generation a space to develop their voice, explore their interests, and of course to publish articles that they will look back on in 10 years and shake their heads in shame at.

Will this blog have a lasting impact? Nope.

Will this blog always be written well and be enjoyable to read? Also, no.

This blog simply hopes to bring some value to some person somewhere.

If you would like to collaborate or contribute to Lutheran Millenialz email Tim at [email protected]